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Action with the Second

Fluffy Clouds

The story of Rae of Jade

1lb bag Apricots, 1lb Mango Butter, 1lb Original Ginger  Chews, and a Sea-Band Wristband; this was my first amazon order after finding out my wife was pregnant. I didn't know what I was doing so I figured I should buy some stuff. Turns out I like ginger chews, my wife not so much, the apricots only had a few eaten, and I forgot entirely about buying a Sea-Band until I recently looked at my order history. But the Mango butter, the mango butter, that item led to what we are now calling Rae of Jade. We tried the Mango Butter for foot and shoulder massages and it was great but it just took a couple minutes until it melted into the skin, then once it got going it was amazing. We tried other rubs, lotions, and cremes during her pregnancy and we always came back to the Mango Butter.

Then in 2019 we found out about #2. And this time anticipating nightly foot, shoulder, or back rubs, we decided to make a massage butter with Mango Butter as the primary ingredient. So we found some other ingredients that were also amazing for the skin and started testing recipes. Then after about 50 tries we landed on what we think is the perfect massage butter. We still use it almost everyday. The way I see it is that my wife gives so much to our family that the least I can do for her is rub her feet for 15 minutes. We hope you can relate to our story and work to incorporate more massages into your life! Thanks for checking us out! -

Bob Creator & Co-Founder

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